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​EventStorming Facilitation
Virtual Workshop


Learn to Facilitate 

This virtual workshop will train your staff in EventStorming facilitation skills that they can apply in your organization. In this highly hands-on and interactive virtual workshop, you'll learn advanced EventStorming facilitation skills spanning from large-scale business discovery to collaborative solution design at the team level.

Learn how to facilitate the different EventStorming formats applied to real business problems, taking into account the different perspectives (including the facilitator). Practice applying EventStorming to various problems, reflecting on your learning and questions as we go deeper into the techniques. 


Learn tips and tricks for effective facilitation of collaborative workshops in both in-person and virtual settings, and practice planning an event storming session for your own context.  Our goal is for you to leave the workshop energized and ready to put into practice what you've learned.



Session 1 - Introducing EventStorming

  • Explain the kinds of problems EventStorming is optimized for

  • Describe what a domain event is and give examples

  • Practice EventStorming a narrative together

  • Define key events and show how to identify them in a narrative

  • Practice modeling a process using milestones as structural guides

  • Apply making process problems and unknowns visible


Session 2 - Using EventStorming to Understand a Process

  • EventStorm your own business process

  • Enrich a timeline with actors and their motivations

  • Leverage key events to identify sub-process goals

  • Make significant business policies and decisions explicit

  • Summarize key techniques for staying focused when domain modeling


Session 3 - Using EventStorming to Design a Solution

  • Apply collaborative modeling to sketch modeling options quickly

  • Identify lifecycle stages in a timeline

  • Blend user experience design and service design into software design

  • Summarize virtual and in-person facilitation tips and tricks

  • Compare different powerful questions to drive deeper modeling

  • Design your own EventStorming workshop


Who Should Attend

Anybody who works in software teams or with software teams will be able to fully participate in this workshop and take away concrete skills they can apply in real working situations. This includes software developers, architects, testers, product owners, business analysts, delivery managers, engineering managers, directors, and CTOs.


Virtual Format

  • Three instructor-led hands-on 3-hour online class sessions.

  • Live instruction using Zoom and Miro (i.e. collaborative online whiteboard) in each session.

  • We will be doing group exercises in Zoom breakout rooms.

  • By spreading the training into shorter interactive virtual sessions, we minimize the impact to your daily work and keep your energy levels high.

  • You will need a good webcam, internet connection, and microphone to participate in this workshop. In order to maximize engagement, we require all participants to keep their webcams on during the workshop.


"We really enjoyed the EventStorming workshop!  Paul’s facilitation style and methodology made the exercise easy to understand, and participation and collaboration came with ease.  He’s very good at tactfully encouraging differing opinions through thoughtful discussion. The workshop was a huge success with a highly valuable end result!"


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